BIENOX 100 units
Specification: 100 units
Ingredient: Clostridium botulinum toxin type A
Efficacy / Effect: Temporary improvement of moderate to severe glabellar wrinkles associated with corrugator muscle and/or procerus muscle activity in adults between 19 and 65 years of age
Storage /Shelf life: Hermetic container, refrigerated(2~8°C) storage 36 months from the date of manufacture
Packaging unit: 1 vial/box (100units/vial)
Is a Clostridium Botulinum Toxin Type A, which temporarily improves glabella wrinkles.BIENOX is a product developed,produced and distributed by Korean biotechnology company
Botulinum toxin type A, which temporarily reduces or disappears moderate to severe wrinkles in adult patients. It gives the face a more relaxed and smooth appearance.
Presentation: 100 IU
- Temporary improvement of moderate to severe glabellar lines due to ripple and / or lower abdominal activity in adults 19 to 65 years of age.
- Temporary reduction of muscle activity for medical and aesthetic purposes.
- A toxin applied to a specific muscle blocks the release of acetylcholine, causing the muscles to relax and reduce wrinkles.